A Message from NTSWest President, Dr. John D.Elia- March 27

March  27, 2020 Dr. John D’Elia, President and Professor of Christian History and Culture New Theological Seminary of the West Dear Friends of NTSW, Grace and peace to all of you as we all navigate some truly unexpected times. So much of what we’re doing in our homes and churches and seminaries is completely unprecedented, but I’m happy to say that the team here at NTSW is working hard to learn some new ways to serve you. In the meantime, I offer this letter of encouragement. Brother Lawrence was a 17th-century monk who left some wonderful writings that still bless us. (You can read about him here.) Today I came across a quote that fits very well with our situation: “It is not necessary for being with God to be always at church. We may make a sanctuary of our hearts where we can retreat from time to time to speak Continue Reading

New Courses Added for Spring 2015!

We have added three new courses for Spring 2015!  Please read below for more information. Psalms The Old Testament Book of Psalms is perhaps the most important book of the Bible for ministry. The New Testament quotes the Psalms more than any Old Testament book. Jesus shapes his Kingdom work from the Psalms. The church’s worship and spiritual formation takes root in the Psalms. In this seminar we will learn together: (1) the content, literary features, and theological message of the Psalms, (2) the historical and cultural setting of the Book of Psalms (3) how to interpret various psalms moving from a psalm text to whole Bible context and then to our context (4) to pray and sing the Psalms for worship and spiritual growth. 3 units Required Course for M.Div. and M.A. Offered as a 1 unit course for those who are seeking enrollment to any ntswest degree program Continue Reading

January 2015 Intensive – Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Related Religious Traditions

The course offers an analysis of the complex interrelatedness of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The aim is to present these religions as living traditions whose historical origins, current interactions, and future development is the dynamic context for ministry in the multi-religious world of Southern California. Continue Reading