Degree Programs


plantInHands1 NTS West offers the following degrees:

 Master of Divinity (120 units)

 Master of Arts in Theology (72 units)

Doctor of Ministry 

A Certificate in Christian Practice (structured and focused on specific areas as needed) will be added in the future.

Courses will be designed to meet Master of Divinity requirements and also be flexible for access by students in a Master of Arts or Certificate program.

The format for courses will include:

Foundational courses (3 units): meeting weekly over a 14-week semester and may include online components.

Practicum courses (1 unit): meeting 6 times during a semester in 2 1/4 hour sessions with practitioners who are expert in various fields — such as community organizing, music, stewardship, youth ministry.

Intensive courses (2 units): generally meeting on the 1st and 3rd Friday/Saturday in January and June with reading, online, and experiential components in between.


Pasadena Presbyterian Church will serve as the central location for classes, and a range of other churches around Southern California will also provide classroom space.