Discovery Events happening in June!

Join us to learn more about NTS West and the courses now scheduled to begin in September!  We’ll have a leadership team, including faculty, at La Canada Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening June 10 at 7:00 p.m., and also at Tustin Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening, June 24 at 7:00 p.m.  Email us at to let us know you’re coming or for more information.  We are also scheduling similar events in Santa Ana, Claremont and West Los Angeles and will post those dates here soon!

March 22 Spring Church Leaders Event – Biblical Women: Role Models for Leadership Today

Join us March 22, 1 – 3 pm, at Westwood Presbyterian Church, 10822 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, for a dynamic conversation about Biblical women as role models for leadership in the church.  One of our trustees, Madelon Maupin will lead the event, drawing on her extensive background as a leadership consultant and Bible teacher.  All are welcome!  We’re encouraging registration by March 19, and ask a registration fee of $20 per person (or $15 if 2 or more are coming from the same congregation); you can register via email ( or phone (626) 765-9500 or download the registration form here.  March 22.Biblical Women

November 2 – Explore NTS West’s Presbyterian Roots

  Join us on Saturday, November 2; 11:30 am — 2:00 pm in Pasadena for a presentation by Rev. John H. Sinclair on “Gospel Guidelines for a Theological Community: Perspectives from the Life and Ministry of John A. Mackay.”  Rev. Sinclair is a pastor and missionary and life-long friend and biogapher of John Mackay, and he will be helping us look at how the Presbyterian heritage of mission and education leads us into the future of theological education. More information is here:   Sinclair flyer

NTS West hosted Dr. Jim Appleton at Anaheim 1st Presbyterian Church

A diverse group of pastors and seminary supporters gathered at First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim on June 29 to hear about the seminary’s progress and engage in conversation about leadership qualities with Dr. Appleton, academic leader and Presbyterian elder. Dr. Appleton, President Emeritus of University of Redlands, reflected on his experience with Foreman Christian College which has had a long historical presence in Lahore, Pakistan and how it became revitalized following a difficult period.  He observed key leadership qualities that made a difference for the College — and through that experience, along with his own academic administrative skills, he began to develop a list of what he saw as characteristics of successful leadership. He shared the following key characteristics: Develop a vision of the possible.  A successful leader can form an agenda so compelling that it draws other people in – even if the vision is difficult – such as forming Continue Reading

Informational Gathering June 29 in Anaheim

Join us June 29, 2013 for an informational gathering to learn more about the latest news and plans for the new seminary!  Hosted by 1st Presbyterian Church of Anaheim, 310 W. Broadway in downtown Anaheim, we are pleased to have Dr. Jim Appleton, President Emeritus of the University of Redlands and Presbyterian Elder, join us for a presentation on elements of leadership needed for a start-up. We’ll be gathering at 11:30 a.m. and meet over lunch hosted by the church and seminary.  To RSVP or learn more, contact  

Seminary Co-Hosts Lincoln Lecture

On March 5, 2013, the new seminary co-hosted a lecture on President Abraham Lincoln held at San Marino Community Church.  Seminary trustee and Lincoln scholar Dr. Ron White spoke on the theme Abraham Lincoln 2013: Wisdom for Today.  Dr. White and the Rev. Dr. David Tomlinson were also available to answer questions about plans for the new seminary.

Informational Gathering in Westwood!

On October 11, 2012, Westwood Presbyterian Church hosted a gathering to hear presentations on the new seminary and trends in graduate and theological education.  Convened by board members the Rev. Lynn Cheyney and Elder Jan Doak, guests engaged in table conversation about the seminary, and heard from seminary consultant the Rev. Dr. George Abdo and seminary Coordinator the Rev. Dr. David Tomlinson — with welcoming remarks from Dr. Ron White and benediction offered by the Rev. Dr. Charles Marks.