Rebecca Button Prichard
Seminary Courses Taught
Spring 1991, San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California
Reformed Confessions, co-taught with Randy Taylor.
Fall 1991/Spring 1992, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California
History of Christianity I and II
Winter Term 1992, SFTS, Theology of Ministry, D. Min. Colloquium
Spring 1993 to Spring 1997, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana
History of Christianity to the Reformation
History of Christianity Reformation to Present
Women in an Age of Reformation
Women Mystics
Women and Theology
Systematic Theology I and II
Theology of John Calvin (upper division seminar)
Worship and Church Music
Summer 1995, 1997, SFTS, Dissertation/Project Seminar for D.Min. Summer School
Summer 1995, SFTS, Intensive course in Women and Theology for So Cal students in
San Anselmo.
March 1999, Phillips Seminary, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Medieval Christianity (one week
Spring 2001, 2003, 2005, SFTS/So Cal, Claremont, California
Fundamentals of Preaching (with Jana Childers)
Summer 2001, SFTS
Frontier Seminar, Sensing the Spirit, for D. Min. Summer School
Jan Term 2002, Fall 2002, Jan Term 2004, Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Fall 2008, Fall 2010,
January 2012,
SFTS/So Cal, Pasadena, California
Reformed Worship and the Sacraments
Fall 2007, Spring 2009, Disciples Seminary Foundation, Claremont, California
Church History, Certificate in Ministries Studies
Jan Term 2011, SFTS/So Cal, Spirituality and Pneumatology
Winter 2011, SFTS, Theology of Ministry, D.Min Colloquium
Fall 2005/Spring 2006, Fall 2007/Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2011/Spring 2012,
Systematic Theology I and II
Fall 2012, SFTS
Systematic Theology II; Nature and Grace in Celtic Theology; [upcoming] Spring
2013: Reformed Confessions; Summer 2013: Theology of Ministry [D.Min.]
Spring 2015, New Theological Seminary of the West
Celtic Trinity
Undergraduate Teaching:
Chapman University
Fall 2013: Feminist Theology; Old Testament as Literature
Spring 2014: Intro to New Testament
JanTerm 2015: Celtic Spirituality
Whittier College
JanTerm 2014: Celtic Spirituality
JanTerm 2015: Music and the Bible