NTSWest and International Theological Seminary
Most of you have been aware of the continuing conversations between NTSWest and its partner seminary, International Theological Seminary (ITS). We are writing to you now to highlight the results of those conversations. The Boards of Trustees of both seminaries have been fully briefed on these actions and both have unanimously endorsed them. As NTSWest looked at its core mission values it realized that ITS is in an excellent position to carry out that vision within the context of an institution that has been in existence for more than 40 years and is fully accredited by both the ATS, nationally and BPPE for the state of California. Because of its longevity and its accredited status, ITS is well-equipped to continue the educational foci that has been so vital to NTSWest. This includes the strategic development of Certificate programs and the provision of both Masters and D. Min degrees to local part-time non-traditional students. This is Continue Reading